Round Ribbed Body with a split tail!
This bait excels on a jig or nose hooked on a drop shot or even on a small ned rig
Great Mold!
This Flicker Minnow 3.5" 14 Cavity is Great! Perfect mold if your target species is Walleye or Bass! The mold Like's to be injected quickly and the Injection Temp Sweet Spot in my case for this Mold is 335*F or warmer with the mold at room temp or warmer for perfect injection and perfect tail fill with Absolutely No Flashing. The mold can be injected with a 4 ounce injector with some to spare to top the mold off and still have a little to push out of the injector back into the mixing cup. The Finished Bait itself has a lot of Great Action from the midsection back to the tail where it needs to be while on a jig head setup! Highly Recommend this mold and hopefully in the future they will offer this mold in a 4"-4.25" for those long shank jig guy's out there so there is even more action at the rear while using a long shank hook jig head.
Great bait - catches fish
This thing has so much going for it. It shoots so easy, laminates beautifully, is amazing at showing off colorways, and best part- it just flat catches fish.
Great molds bought just one then reorder 2 more
Flicker Flute
Great mold. Easy to pour. Dissipates heat quickly. Have never had any dents, flashing, or failure to fill. A lot of tail action.